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Rolling Stone Rips on Osteen

June 30, 2008

I used the following quote from an article on McCain in the recent issue of Rolling Stone is my recent sermon Lord of the Story. Rolling Stone editor, Mark Taibbi rips into Joel Osteen while preserving the notion that there are more palatable forms of Christianity. In other words, he doesn’t throw out the Christian baby with the dirty health and wealth water.

Of all the vile, fake, lying-ass, money-grubbing, shyster scumbags on the face of this planet, there is perhaps none more loathsome than Osteen, a human haircut with plastic baseball-size teeth who has made a fortune selling the appalling only-in-America idea that terrestrial greed is actually a form of Christian devotion.

This quote was sparked by McCain listing Osteen as his most inspirational author, pretty sad. If Osteen is what inspires McCain, I’ve got some serious reservations about his presidential groundedness.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. June 30, 2008 12:24 pm

    Wow. I don’t care for Osteen myself, but that’s some pretty strong remarks about him!

  2. June 30, 2008 1:35 pm

    Ditto to what Stacey said above. Wow.

  3. Sam permalink
    July 21, 2008 4:39 pm

    I have friends who attend Lakewood–they do defend Osteen to some extent, but I’ve never tried to nail them to a wall on this point (because they’re friends). I can’t tell the motivation behind Osteen’s megaministry, but I hope I wouldn’t be wrong in giving him the benefit of the doubt that he’s just currently off-focus with his lifestyle…

  4. July 21, 2008 4:54 pm

    I was giving Osteen the benefit of the doubt too, until I read his stuff. In his newest book, Become a Better You, Osteen writes:

    “Maybe you are preparing to fail, preparing to barely get by or to lose your health. Start preparing for good things; prepare for success, prepare for abundance. Prepare for victory. Prepare for a long life. Prepare for good health. Get your faith going in the right direction. Start making plans to live a blessed, prosperous, healthy, joy-filled, abundant, long life. If you do this, God will do more than you can even ask or think. He will pour out his blessings and favor and you will become a much better you!”

    Undiluted health-wealth.


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