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Andy Widman Shot in the Line of Duty

July 18, 2008

It is with a heavy heart that I compose this post. Andy Widman, husband and father to three children, was shot to death this morning around 2 am in Fort Myers, FL. Andy was a dear friend from seminary. Someone who genuinely loved and served others because of his hope in the gospel of Christ. His faith led him into concrete, risk-taking expressions of that love, whether in the jungles of Thailand or on the streets of Fort Myers. He and I spent a summer in Northern Thailand, where we did ethnographic research among some remote peoples called the Shan-Dai. Andy was a burgeoning expert on Buddhism. His keen mind was matched with a depth of soul and a genuine love for others.

Andy will be deeply missed. At age 30, he had such a promising life ahead of him, but in this bitter providence he leaves behind a sweet wife and three dear children. If you pray, pray for this family. Pray that they would know the God of comfort and the Father of all mercies in this time of suffering and pain. Pray that they would know the sufficiency of their suffering messiah in the midst of broken-hearted helplessness.

18 Comments leave one →
  1. Sara permalink
    July 18, 2008 6:15 pm

    oh gosh, Jonathan, I am so sorry to hear – I will be praying

  2. July 18, 2008 8:41 pm

    man that is sad. praying for his family and you. shalom.

  3. July 18, 2008 9:37 pm

    I actually JUST got an email about this from a friend of ours here in Toledo that knew Andy. I’ve sent it to our prayer team and we will lift up his family during this time.

  4. July 18, 2008 9:52 pm

    Thank you all. Keep the prayers going for the Widmans.

  5. July 18, 2008 10:24 pm

    Will pray for the Widman family bro.

  6. Jenny Harris permalink
    July 19, 2008 9:10 am

    My heart and prayers are with his family and friends. I went high school with him and he was such a man of God. I pray that many lives will be touch by his death.

  7. Richard Tinsley permalink
    July 19, 2008 10:49 am

    Thank you for letting us know.
    It is deeply grieving.

  8. Faye Cummings permalink
    July 19, 2008 12:32 pm

    Jonathan, thanks so much for intentionally letting Dave and I know about this yesterday. We were in shock most of last night and woke this morning in tears thinking of Susanna and the kids. We are just heartbroken.

    Praying with you,

  9. July 19, 2008 1:13 pm

    I’ve known Andy since 3rd grade. We went to the same church. I knew him well. He was a great man.

  10. July 19, 2008 1:32 pm

    Sorry for your loss, Andy. I am still trying to get the funeral arrangement info. A memorial fund has been set up for donations:

    You can donate by contacting the Ft. Myers Fifth Third Bank to the “Andrew Widman Memorial Fund” account number #7432124563.

  11. July 19, 2008 6:21 pm

    Heidi and I wept when we read your email this morning. We had no idea until then. We were just talking this past Wed with Karl and Sun Dahlfred, asking how the Widmans were doing. We will continue to pray for Susanna and the kids.

  12. John Kim permalink
    July 19, 2008 7:28 pm

    I was also shocked, sad, mad, and heart broken when I head about Andy. I got to spend a few days with him in Thailand and we were able to see, even in this short time, his heart for the Kingdom. Rebecca and I will continue to pray for Susanna and the rest of the family.

  13. Patrick Nowak permalink
    July 21, 2008 5:47 pm

    I too was a classmate of Andy’s. I’d have to go back through my year book’s, but I think that he and I started at TCS when we were both in pre-kindergarten. I graduated with him in 1996 and saw him a few times after that, but we did not keep in touch the last few years. I have been reviewing things on about Andy on the internet and I am so very glad to see that his family will be supported and lifted up in prayer by people everywhere.

    Patrick Nowak

  14. Alisa permalink
    July 21, 2008 6:45 pm

    Does anyone have Susanna’s current address so we can send them some love via the mail?

  15. Elisha Larson permalink
    July 22, 2008 1:13 am

    Andy was a dear friend as well as Abby and his parents. I could write pages and pages of great things and good memories of Andy. Andy was one of those really special souls in this world that really knew what mattered most. He was humble and selfless, and knew how to care for others and how to be an extrodinary kind and encouraging friend. The Widman family has such an extrodinary loss and my heart and prayers will be with them every day. I really believe our culture in need of Godly role models and sincere, gracious faith lost a priceless gem in Andy, as well as the greater world that Andy’s heart was always open to.

  16. Tracy McGarry permalink
    July 22, 2008 9:33 pm

    We are so sorry to hear the news. Mike is on a missions trip with his youth right now and is devastated at hearing the news. We will be praying for Susanna and those precious kids. Our hearts are heavy buy we rejoice for he is with our Father.

  17. Ashley permalink
    July 24, 2008 3:57 pm

    My husband is a Deputy Sheriff here in Lee County(Fort Myers). I didn’t have the priviledge to ever meet Andy, but under unfortunate circumstances I did meet her and the kids and part of the family. She is a wonderful person and full of strength that only God can provide. I was at teh funeral and to see her up there and every one else speak so well about him and in such depth; I feel like I have known Andy for years. Here in Lee County and within our Law Enforcement Family we are suffering a huge loss. All prayers and thoughts are appreciated; and don’t worry Mrs. Widman and the kids will be greatly cared for. Not only did Andy pay the ultimate price… so did the family. Susanna, Samuel, Sasha,and Sylvia… THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE AND WE CANNOT EXPRESS OUR FEELINGS IN WORDS FOR YOU ARE YOUR FAMILY. YOU ARE A PART OF OUR FAMILY AND IF YOU NEED ANYTHING… ANYTHING AT ALL YOU TELL ME OR MY HUSBAND. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU AND YOUR KIDS!!!

  18. July 25, 2008 7:11 pm

    It is very touching to read these comments. I never knew Andy Widman, we arrived in FtMyers on vacation the night after he was shot. I did see part of the funeral televised. This hits home with me because he was only a month and a half younger than I am and I also have 3 young kids. None of us know when we will be called Home; lets make the most of our time here on earth. My family and I are praying for the Widman family.

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